Monday, December 2, 2013

Enactus Photoshoot - Photo III

I am a graphic design consultant for an entrepreneurship class and one of the groups in that class asked me to take photos for them. Here are a few of the shots. 

Sample - Photo III

Here is a sample of a shot I might use for my door series. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Doors - Photo III

An idea that someone gave me for a photo series was to take pictures of the doors of the five places that I have lived. I liked this idea a lot and decided to look at some pictures of doors to get ideas for how to photograph it. I decided that all of the doors have numbers on them or near them so I wanted that to be prominent. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Smashed Plates - Photo III

I decided that I wanted to try to make a series photographing smashed plates and dishes. I think that the broken glass and all the colors mixed together will be really interesting. Here are some pictures that I found that show a little bit of what I was thinking about. 

Photo Series Idea - Photo III

I was just looking at various websites to try and find inspiration for the final project. These were some of the pictures that intrigued me. I was thinking about doing something that is a documentary type style, specifically involving books and/or people with them. I really like the older ladies wrinkly hands with what seems to be her wedding album.