Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lighting Practice

I am in a photography class at Azusa Pacific University right now and our latest assignment was to take pictures using at least ten different light sources. I asked my friends Kayla and Darcy to help me out with this. Here are some of the results.

Christmas Card Photos

My cousins needed some new pictures of their family to use for their Christmas card that included their new baby and they asked me to take the pictures for them. We had a fun time in the park climbing rocks and chasing ducks between photos. We came away with some good shots too.

Resume Photos

My roommate had to put together a resume for the business department and needed photos where she looked professional. She asked me if I could help her out with this and I gladly agreed.

Beauty Shots

Over the summer I had the opportunity to work with some make-up artists and take some beauty shots for them. We started off with some head shots and ended with some shots on the train tracks. It was a bit challenging to photograph so many models at once, but it was also fun working with all of these girls. Here are some of my favorite shots from the day.